We’re passionate about playing a meaningful role in the community.
We’ve developed a social responsibility strategy that focuses on three main channels:- Community, Workplace and Environment.
Our employees have nominated and are active supporters of four charitable organisations; CLIC Sargent, a leading cancer charity for children, young people and their families, Changes Bristol, a mental health peer support charity, The Jessie May Trust, a children's hospice at home charity helping families of terminally ill children and World Land Trust, who have funded ground-breaking habitat protection for more than 30 years, with an impressive track record of achievements.
All four organisations are close to our hearts and the incredible amount of work and commitment that goes into making them a success is honourable. We raise money for these charities regularly with employees taking part and organising pub quizzes, bake sells, charity waxing, Dry January, Movember and many more.
Colleagues are encouraged, and afforded time out of the office, to help raise funds for these (and other) amazing organisations.

We’re committed to ensuring diversity and equality in the workplace, both internally and when assisting clients during their hiring processes. The health and well-being of everyone in the business is very important and as a result we have a number of qualified Mental Health First Aiders.
We’re proud of having created an environment where career and personal development opportunities are based on ability, suitability and potential, and where there’s a zero tolerance approach to discrimination of any kind.
We’re keenly aware of the environmental consequences of running our business and are constantly looking for ways in which to reduce the impact we have. In particular, we focus on energy efficiency and waste reduction by closely monitoring and minimising our consumption levels, and by continuously searching for opportunities to minimise environmental impacts.
Part of Finitas' eco-conscious business approach has led to the creation of our newly founded Finitas Sustainability Council. Organised and led by Wil Nixon, the team of 20 have regular meetings to discuss the ways in which Finitas can improve to become more sustainable. Some of these currently include; an improvement to our recycling habits, going paperless, and encouraging further use of re-useable coffee cups alongside more ambitious plans such as introducing a carbon offsetting scheme.