In such a relationship driven environment, Finitas attributes much of its success over the last decade to the strength of our Actuarial network.
In a continually evolving industry, Actuarial professionals remain constantly in-demand. Our extensive network allows us to support clients on a multitude of levels ranging from graduate to c-suite level where our specialist consultants can provide tailored solutions on both a permanent and interim basis.
Crucially, our experience and commitment to the Actuarial market has given us a clear awareness of the complexities of hiring in this space, and the sensitivities involved across resourcing candidates at all levels. Not only do we understand the expectations of hiring managers but can also quickly, discreetly, and effectively identify candidates with the requisite skills and background for each role.
Typical examples of roles that we have successfully filled include:
Graduate Actuarial Analyst
Actuarial Analyst
Near/Newly Qualified Actuary
Divisional Actuary
Senior Actuary/Manager
Divisional Head of
Chief Actuary